Vaccinations Travel Guide, Cebu and the Philippines

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Speak to your doctor, specialist travel clinic or center for tropical diseases what vaccines and medicines you need based on how long you are staying in Cebu the Philippines or Southeast Asia and what you will be doing.

Some vaccinations are not always available at your doctors or travel nurse, for example Japanese Encephalitis, be prepared to visit a specialist travel clinic, pharmacy or center for tropical diseases in advance.

Avoid Mosquitoes in Cebu, Philippines, Southeast Asia, including China, South Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar (Burma), Brunei, Timor-Leste 

If you are spending a lot of time outdoors or sleeping outdoors or camping, or in Cebu for a prolonged period, including staying at a hotel, hostel or condo-apartment, you may be exposed to mosquitoes, to lessen the chances of mosquito bites, we recommend you purchase a solar powered buzz UV insect blue light or plug-in UV blue light stand lamp (both can purchased locally in Cebu), and including the more conventional bug net for outdoor use, insect repellent containing deet, or hanging bug strip, we wouldn’t recommend small travel plug-in UV lights or sonar plug-in for pest control, we’ve found those types to be ineffective, to lessen the chances of a mosquitoes bite, discard unused water or secure with cap, avoid camping near water or swamp areas, cover up or wear socks, mosquitoes more often will bite you on the ankles or back of the legs, or more tender areas, and this will irritate you more.

COVID-19 in Cebu and the Philippines

COVID-19 Vaccinations and Entry Guidelines to Cebu and the Philippines​

Hepatitis A in Cebu, Philippines

Hepatitis A is a virus affecting the liver, It usually spreads through contaminated food or water

[get_vaccinated]  [food hygiene]  [cross contamination]  [poor sanitation] 

Hepatitis B in Cebu, Philippines

You can get hepatitis B through sexual contact, contaminated needles, and blood products, sex with a new partner, get a tattoo or piercing, or have any medical procedures

[get_vaccinated]  [person to person]  [avoid_body_fluids]  [avoid-non-sterile-equipment]

Japanese Encephalitis in Cebu, Philippines

You may need this vaccine if your trip will last more than a month, depending on where you are going in the Philippines and what time of year you are traveling, you should also consider this vaccine if you plan to visit rural areas in the Philippines or spending a lot of time outdoors, even for trips shorter than a month.  Your travel clinic can help you decide if this vaccine is right for you based on your travel plans

[get_vaccinated]  [avoid_insects]  [use insect repellent containing deet]  [stay covered especially outdoors] 

Malaria in Cebu, Philippines

The Philippines is split up into three regions, which are Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao and all of these areas are considered low risk.  However in the cities and islands of Boracay, Bohol, Catanduanes, Cebu and Leyte there is even less to no risk of Malaria

Talk to your doctor about how you can prevent Malaria while traveling to the Philippines and South East Asia

[antimalarial_meds]  [avoid_insects]  [use insect repellent containing deet]  [stay covered especially outdoors] 

Necrotising fasciitis in Cebu, Philippines 

Necrotising fasciitis is a rare but serious bacterial infection that affects the tissue beneath the skin and surrounding muscles and organs (fascia), bacteria may also enter the body through insect bites or mosquito bite, Necrotising fasciitis, there may be an increased incidence in African and Asian countries, including China, South Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, the Philippines, Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar (Burma), Brunei, Timor-Leste

It’s more often called the “flesh-eating disease”, although the bacteria that cause it do not “eat” flesh, but release toxins that damage nearby tissue

Necrotising fasciitis can start from a relatively minor injury, such as a small cut, but gets worse rapidly, and can be life threatening if it’s not recognized and treated almost immediately

Symptoms of necrotising fasciitis

There are no vaccines to prevent group A strep infections, including necrotizing fasciitis

The symptoms of necrotising fasciitis develop rapidly over hours or days, they may not be obvious at first and can be similar to less serious conditions, such as flu, gastroenteritis or cellulitis.

Early symptoms can include:

a small but painful cut or scratch on the skin
intense pain that’s out of proportion to any damage to the skin
a high temperature (fever) and other flu-like symptoms

After a few hours to days, you may develop:

swelling and redness in the painful area – the swelling will usually feel firm to the touch
diarrhoea and vomiting
dark blotches on the skin that turn into fluid-filled blisters

If left untreated, the infection can spread rapidly through the body and cause symptoms such as dizziness, weakness and confusion

When to seek medical assistance

Necrotising fasciitis is a medical emergency that requires immediate medical treatment.  Go to your nearest major A&E department or private hospital as soon as possible if you think you have it

[avoid_insects]  [use insect repellent containing deet]  [stay covered especially outdoors] 

Dengue fever in Cebu, Philippines

Dengue fever is relatively common in Cebu and the Philippines, and there are regular outbreaks of Dengue fever all over the Philippines.  A mosquito-borne tropical disease caused by the dengue virus, symptoms typically begin three to fourteen days after infection, this may include a high fever, headache, vomiting, muscle and joint pains, and a characteristic skin rash, extra precautions should be implemented for babies and children who are at particular risk, although

There are about about five dengue vaccines that are under development, but only one has been approved Dengvaxia® for use in North America, Mexico and Brazil, it is only recommended for people living in Dengue affected countries aged between 9–45 years, who have had Dengue fever before.  In 2017 the Philippines Department of Health suspended the mass Dengvaxia® vaccine program, because there was controversy surrounding the Dengvaxia® vaccine effectiveness with people previously unaffected.  There is no regular vaccine against Dengue fever for travelers within the Philippines, when traveling in Cebu and the Philippines, you should avoid mosquito bites to prevent Dengue fever

[avoid_insects]  [use insect repellent containing deet]  [stay covered especially outdoors] 

Polio Virus in Cebu, Philippines

Polio vaccines are used to prevent poliomyelitis, two types are used: an inactivated Polio virus given by injection and a weakened Poliov virus given by oral, there was no known cases of Polio in the Philippines for 19 years, until September 2019, when there was some confirmed Polio cases in Manila, because of the re-emergence, it’s always been recommended babies and children are vaccinated agaist Polio for travel to Cebu, and elsewhere in the Philippines


Pregnancy Vaccine, Cebu, Philippines

Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Tdap): Tdap is recommended during pregnancy, preferably between 27 and 36 weeks’ gestation, to protect baby from whooping cough, If not administered during pregnancy, Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis) Vaccine should be administered immediately after the birth of your baby


Chickenpox and Shingles, Cebu, Philippines

For Chickenpox and Shingles Vaccines consulut your travel clinic nurse or or seek private consultation

[get_professional advice] 

Chikungunya in Cebu, Philippines

A mosquito-borne disease with sometimes debilitating symptoms that can last for months or longer

Most people infected with chikungunya virus will develop some symptoms, the most common symptoms are fever and joint pain, other symptoms may include headache, muscle pain, joint swelling, or rash

[get_vaccinated] [avoid_insects]  [use insect repellent containing deet]  [stay covered especially outdoors]

MMR in Cebu, Philippines

MMR vaccination is routinely given to children as part of your childhood immunisation programme,

it can also be given to older children and adults, and babies over 6 months of age, who need to be protected against measles, mumps and rubella, or in the event of a measles outbreak, which is very common in Cebu, Philippines

Which children should have the MMR vaccine?

The first dose of the MMR vaccine is offered to all babies at 1 year old


Rabies in Cebu, Philippines

Rabies can be found in dogs, cats, bats, and other mammals in Cebu, Philippines, travelers involved in outdoor activities, staying with or visiting friends and relatives will put them at risk towards animal bites such as stray-family dogs, stray-family cats, while camping, hiking, biking, adventure travel and caving

People who will be working with or around animals (such as veterinarians, wildlife professionals, and researchers), people who are taking long trips or moving to the Philippines or children, because they tend to play with animals and may not report bites, and are more likely to have animal bites on their head and neck

[get_vaccinated]  [avoid all stray animals, be cautious around family pets]  [hygiene]

Typhoid in Cebu, Philippines

The bacteria are present in most parts of Cebu, Philippines and Southeast Asia, areas where there is poor water and sewage sanitation, sudden floods in Cebu, Philiipines and in Provinces can also quickly spread the bacteria

All travelers going to endemic areas in Cebu, Philippines are at risk, especially long-term travelers, adventure travelers, humanitarian workers, and those visiting friends or relatives in urban, remote or mountainous areas which maybe prone to poor sanitation

[get_vaccinated]  [hygiene]  [poor sanitation] 

Cholera in Cebu, Philippines

Cholera is a bacterial infection found in food or water sources contaminated with feces

[get_vaccinated]  [food hygiene]  [cross contamination]  [poor sanitation] 

Tuberculosis in Cebu, Philippines

Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease caused by bacteria called Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, the bacteria usually attack the lungs, but they can also damage other parts of the body, TB spreads through the air when a person with TB of the lungs or throat coughs, sneezes, shouts or while talking


Influenza in Cebu, Philippines

Influenza is an contagious acute viral respiratory infection that affects mucous membranes of the nose, mouth and eyes,

Influenza circulates worldwide and can affect anybody in any age group

[get_vaccinated]  [person to person]  [cross contamination]  [hygiene]

Yellow Fever in Cebu and the Philippines

There is no risk of yellow fever in Cebu and the Philippines​, the government of the Philippines requires proof of yellow fever vaccination only if you are arriving from a country with a risk of yellow fever

Continents at with risk of Yellow Fever vVrus (YFV) transmission


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